Dec 16, 2008

Best of 08

Matthew Robert Cooper - Miniatures

Most of you know Cooper by the alias Eluvium. This year's Miniatures falls nothing short of his previous records. Dense layers of the dreamiest synth and piano that drone in and out. Cooper takes a simple idea and throws it at you until you've got shivers in your spine. Seeing him play live is gut wrenching and emotional, as any good soundscape should be.

1: Miniature 1 (5:39)
2: Miniature 2 (1:28)
3: Miniature 3 (5:34)
4: Miniature 4 (3:43)
5: Miniature 5 (2:43)
6: Miniature 6 (1:22)
7: Miniature 7 (5:44)
8: Miniature 8 (1:05)
9: Miniature 9 (6:11)
DOWNLOAD (Sendspace/mp3/V2/43mb)


HilariousBeard said...

I'll give this a shot. I enjoy a good amount of Eluvium's stuff, although I'm not sure whether I prefer his piano work or ambient pieces more.

Monica Butler said...

This is a ggreat post