Nov 10, 2009

Best of 09

#18 Chris Zabriskie - I Am a Man Who Will Fight for Your Honor

Zabriskie used to make solo folk music that was, in my opinion, pretty terrible. This year he seems to have found his niche, pushing out 3 ambient full-lengths within the span of 7 months. From listening to the first few seconds of the opening track, I picked up a huge Eluvium influence. In fact, most of his tracks could easily pass as a Cooper album if the id3 tags were labeled wrong. Although this irks me, I can never get enough of this sound. Piano, swells, just beautiful stuff.

1: Androids Always Escape (1:33)
2: The Sun is Scheduled to Come Out Tomorrow (7:04)
3: I Am Running with Temporary Success from a Monstrous Vacuum in Pursuit (7:17)
4: I Am Running a Marathon with Thousands of Other Highly Qualified People Who Are All Trying to Defeat Me (3:59)
5: I Am Running Down the Long Hallway of Viewmont Elementary (6:24)
6: Laserdisc (3:44)
7: I Am a Man Who Will Fight for Your Honor (11:25)

DOWNLOAD (Sendspace/mp3/v0/54mb)

1 comment:

k-roll said...


I visit all blogs on the net and when one of them is pleasant to me, not a special things just a feeling, people who have good liking, who listen and like good music, I write them to make a listening suggestion, the fourth's Planète Sauvage album "Rebels of the Neon God".
I just want to promote, defend this music and all the common licence music because I trust in it and I think it's the best way.

You can download it with the three others albums on their site :

( )

and listen it on Internet Archive :

( ).

Good listening.
