Dec 7, 2009

Best of 09

#11 Lustmord - The Dark Places of Earth

This is some music straight from hell. I don't know why, but I crave this sound. I love to lay in bed at night and play dark ambient, trying to gain the mindset these artist put behind their music. It's great. This release is one of my favorite from Lustmord. Sorry, no tribal horns this time. Just creepy, isolating, rumbling tones. This guy is the king of dark ambient for a reason.

1: Fallen (16:00)
2: Atom (13:37)
3: Ashen (13:43)
4: Eon (8:34)
5: Primal (9:56)
6: The Last Days (6:37)

DOWNLOAD (Mediafire/mp3/v0/119mb)

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